Choosing the type of storage in the dressing room

Panel storage

Such a dressing room is a panel, which is located by the wall. And to the panel itself are attached shelves and various tiers. There is no ceiling and floor in such a design – this type of dressing room looks quite easy and does not take up space if there is little of it. Suitable for small rooms and will be appropriate in any interior style – classic, loft, high-tech, Scandi.

Frame storage

The name speaks for itself – a kind of frame is installed along the wall, and on the rods in a convenient order are placed shelves, rails and other structures for storage. Frame dressing room is suitable for a large bedroom – under it is allocated one wall from edge to edge, and the arrangement inside the frame is better to think together with the designer.

Modular storage system for walk-in closets

A modular walk-in closet is still a separate dressing room, so this option should only be considered if you can dedicate an entire room to clothes. Modules are connected by dense partitions and the overall design looks impressive. This type fits well in interiors in the style of modern or classic, and will also be suitable for a corner dressing room system.

Mesh storage.

This design consists of the usual panel, hangers, but the bottom and the top is supplemented with mesh boxes – they replace the classic drawers. In such boxes and baskets it is convenient to store accessories, shoes, as well as regular clothes that are not afraid to crumple. The idea of mesh boxes helps to make storage more convenient, but also leaves a feeling of spaciousness in the dressing room. It’s easy to make a constructor out of these boxes – they’re easy to swap places. White mesh dressing boxes will fit perfectly into Scandinavian or modern interior styles.

Outfitting a walk-in closet


The main rule of any closet, regardless of its size – free space. If everything is crammed with shelves, drawers and clothes – things will not be ventilated and a musty smell will form. That’s why you should not fill cabinets to the brim, for example, definitely do not need to store clothes out of season, which you do not use – it can be put in seasonal storage in a warm warehouse. Closets are a good option for a closet system if space is tight.


Shelves can be installed from the floor and up to the ceiling – so you use the space as efficiently as possible. The main thing is to intelligently distribute clothing: the highest and lowest should store things that are rarely used (e.g., holiday clothes). On the middle and most comfortable shelves – the clothes that you get often.


Closet racks for storing clothes go well with closed closets – so the closet looks interesting and leaves a sense of space. The racks are great for storing beautiful accessories – the best holiday pair of shoes, your favorite hat or bag. You can also put decor on the shelves of the rack – a sachet, a picture frame, a vase. This way the dressing room will become cozier.


In the drawers you should use dividers – so you can store small things (socks, stockings, thongs, underwear) and not be afraid of the mess.


Boxes will help to store shoes: do not throw out the store ones, you can use them if you have closed storage, and if open – buy beautiful cardboard or plastic boxes of the right color or universal transparent.


This is your salvation if you’re a lover of small things! Organizers are convenient to store accessories, cosmetics, hair jewelry, accessories – buttons, zippers, pins, straps. Organizers can be large, and in this case it is cool to hang it on the inner side of the closet door or on the wall. In such organizers store summer shoes, slippers, various accessories, combs.


Baskets in the dressing room complement the interior with their “natural” note – they look natural and pleasing to the eye among a large number of fabrics. Smaller baskets can store a collection of tights (roll them according to the method of Marie Condo), in larger baskets – umbrellas, hats, gloves, scarves.

Various hangers

It’s impossible to imagine any dressing room without hangers, but it’s all about how they are arranged. The most important thing is to hang them based on convenience – walk up to a closet panel, closet and raise your hand. The hanger should hang so that you can easily reach and remove clothes.


A full-length mirror is a must in any walk-in closet. If you have a separate dressing room, arrange for two mirrors so you can step back 1 to 2 meters and see yourself in both of them. The different angles you see at the same time will help you better assess your image. If it’s important for you to pick your shoes and you change them often, then set up a mini-mirror at the bottom of your closet or dressing room, as they sometimes do in shoe stores – so you’ll have a separate additional angle specifically for matching shoes to your look.

Ironing board

This item is never a joy to have in plain sight in the living room or bedroom. Organize a hinged board (it attaches to a panel or closet door) and hide it when you don’t need it. Separately think of a place in this area for an iron, so that everything is at your fingertips. It is also convenient to allocate a drawer for linens, so they do not have to be carried far after ironing.

Zoning your walk-in closet

This is an individual process, but be guided by necessity: the favorite things you use every day should be as accessible as possible. Divide your clothes roughly into the following zones: holiday clothes, sports clothes, office clothes, home clothes, summer clothes, winter clothes, underwear.